Basic Info

Name 11537 Weevil Bug Worm
Item ID 11537 - Rice_weevil_Bug
Type Healing
A chubby worm which was caught when the biscuit was almost eaten.
It can be an important energy fountain in a survival situation, but...
Weight: 1


Weight 1
NPC Buy 0 z
NPC Sell 0 z
Refineable No
Equip Locations None


Range 0
Defense 0
Attack 0
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 0
Slots 0


Level Range Any
Usage None
Trade None
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes All Jobs
Gender Any


Use Script
.@temp = rand(1,6); if (.@temp == 1) { specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, playerattached()); showscript "Errrgg!!! This is so.. bitter....!!"; heal 0,-50; } else if (.@temp == 2) { specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached()); showscript "....Well at least this is good for my health though."; percentheal 15,0; } else if (.@temp == 3) { specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, playerattached()); showscript "Phewphew!! Arg.... Is this poisoned or what?!"; heal 0,-100; } else if (.@temp == 4) { specialeffect(EF_POISONHIT, AREA, playerattached()); showscript "Whasdfhwkljhrtklwert....!!"; heal 0,-200; } else if (.@temp == 5) { specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached()); showscript "It's ok, no one sew me yet.."; percentheal 10,0; } else { specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, playerattached()); showscript "I really need something to eat... ?? Sorry, little buggy."; percentheal 5,0; }
Equip Script
Unequip Script