Server Information Ragnarok: Project Zero Control Panel
Note: only the currently active accounts (as of the past 30 days) are displayed in the stats.
General Statistics
- Accounts
- 1,219
- Characters
- 2,890
- Guilds
- 96
- Parties
- 477
- Zeny
- 3,345,021,097
Job Class Breakdown
- Novice
- 387
- Swordsman
- 52
- Magician
- 29
- Archer
- 67
- Acolyte
- 111
- Merchant
- 304
- Thief
- 27
- Knight
- 166
- Priest
- 98
- Wizard
- 55
- Blacksmith
- 88
- Hunter
- 75
- Assassin
- 72
- Crusader
- 52
- Monk
- 48
- Sage
- 65
- Rogue
- 55
- Alchemist
- 42
- Bard
- 35
- Dancer
- 21
- Super Novice
- 9
- Ninja
- 64
- High Novice
- 6
- High Swordsman
- 2
- High Magician
- 5
- High Archer
- 5
- High Acolyte
- 1
- High Merchant
- 1
- Lord Knight
- 135
- High Priest
- 123
- High Wizard
- 56
- Whitesmith
- 59
- Sniper
- 78
- Assassin Cross
- 92
- Paladin
- 52
- Champion
- 47
- Scholar
- 57
- Stalker
- 48
- Biochemist
- 85
- Minstrel
- 35
- Gypsy
- 19
- Baby Archer
- 1
- Baby Blacksmith
- 3
- Expanded Super Novice
- 21
- Kagerou
- 14
- Oboro
- 23