Basic Info

Name 12262 Authoritative Badge
Item ID 12262 - Inspector_Certificate_
Type Usable
A badge made out of bronze that was used in an ancient Asian country.
It was given to government officials who went on business trips and they could use this badge to rent horses anywhere.
Temporarily increases Movement Speed.
Weight: 1


Weight 1
NPC Buy 0 z
NPC Sell 0 z
Refineable No
Equip Locations None


Range 0
Defense 0
Attack 0
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 0
Slots 0


Level Range Any
Usage None
Trade Can't be dropped / Can't be traded or vended / Can't be sold to NPCs / Can't be placed into Cart / Can't be placed into Storage / Can't be placed into Guild Storage / Can't be placed into Master Storage
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes All Jobs
Gender Any


Use Script
sc_start SC_MOVHASTE_HORSE, 180000, 25;
Equip Script
Unequip Script