Basic Info

Name 1652 Traveler's Staff
Item ID 1652 - Tourist_Staff
Type Weapon - Staff
A staff that used by a traveler.
AGI +1, INT +2
MATK +15%
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 35
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 1
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: Novice, Mage, Acolyte and Soul Linker


Weight 50
NPC Buy 0 z
NPC Sell 0 z
Refineable No
Equip Locations Main Hand


Range 1
Defense 0
Attack 35
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 1
Slots 0


Level Range Any
Usage None
Trade Can't be dropped / Can't be traded or vended / Can't be placed into Cart / Can't be placed into Storage / Can't be placed into Guild Storage / Can't be placed into Master Storage
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes Novice / Magician / Acolyte / Priest / Wizard / Monk / Sage / Soul Linker
Gender Any


Use Script
bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bInt,2; bonus bAgi,1;
Equip Script
Unequip Script