Basic Info

Name 480005 Temporal Manteau[1]
Item ID 480005 - Temporal_Manteau_
Type Armor
This garment is obviously old but it shows no signs of wear and tear.
MaxHP + 300, MaxSP + 30.
For every 3 refine levels, MaxHP + 100, MaxSP + 10.
For every 30 base STR, ATK + 4.
For every 30 base INT, MATK + 4.
For every 30 base VIT, Variable Cast Time - 2%.
For every 30 base AGI, ASPD + 2%.
For every 30 base DEX, long-range physical damage + 2%.
For every 30 base LUK, Critical Damage + 2%.
Class: Garment Defense: 27
Weight: 50
Level Requirement: 100
Jobs: All classes


Weight 50
NPC Buy 0 z
NPC Sell 0 z
Refineable Yes
Equip Locations Garment


Range 0
Defense 27
Attack 0
Magical Attack 0
Weapon Level 0
Slots 1


Level Range 100 +
Usage None
Trade None
Job Class Types Normal / Upper / Baby
Job Classes All Jobs
Gender Any


Use Script
bonus(bMaxHP, 300 + (getrefine()/3) * 100); bonus(bMaxSP, 30 + (getrefine()/3) * 10); bonus(bBaseAtk, (readparam(bStr)/30) * 4); bonus(bMatk, (readparam(bInt)/30) * 4); bonus(bVariableCastrate, (readparam(bVit)/30) * -2); bonus(bAspdRate, (readparam(bAgi)/30) * 2); bonus(bLongAtkRate, (readparam(bDex)/30) * 2); bonus(bCritAtkRate, (readparam(bLuk)/30) * 2);
Equip Script
Unequip Script