Showing currently open shops.

Character Name Shop Name Map Opened
Sari2 (Vending) Headgears and Cards prontera 5 days ago
BankMan (Vending) Karvo | Spirt Stone | Mythril prontera 5 hours ago
Leon Bastralle (Vending) Shop name is empty prontera 13 hours ago
sell to u2 (Vending) Karvo / LHZ / Cards prontera 1 day ago
Chuck Tesla (Vending) +7 Jewel Shield | Heater |Assaulter prontera 7 days ago
rePoisonou (Vending) AS / VG prontera 2 days ago
Store (Vending) forge items prontera 8 days ago
Nothing (Vending) Buy = good karma prontera 3 days ago
Vend00 (Vending) 2m armor 1.5m shoes temporals prontera 12 hours ago
Bakkal (Vending) Newbie Shop prontera 7 days ago
Cecelia (Vending) Shop name is empty prontera 6 hours ago
Karvo (Buying) Karvo prontera 11 hours ago
TARGET (Vending) Sale prontera 4 hours ago
Bakkal 2 (Vending) Grand Peco Headband Falcon Feather prontera 5 days ago
mercador mami (Vending) conv gss prontera 10 hours ago
Bakkal 3 (Vending) Whisper Card prontera 2 days ago
Sales Manager (Vending) MVP drops and cards prontera 1 day ago
Bakkal 4 (Vending) Weapons Armors prontera 5 hours ago
Found a total of 18 record(s) across 1 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-18.